Cottenham Under-13s Red team was formed in 2017, we now have two teams at this age group with Black team recently formed. The Reds and Blacks very much train and work together but simply due to numbers there are 2 teams for the age group in League matches. We share training and do look to mix in other friendlies and tournaments, where possible.
Our main focus is to develop a fun and friendly environment to enable development the player’s footballing skills, both individually and as a team. Promoting enjoyment of football at all abilities and giving everyone a chance is a key principle!
Lead Coach : Steve Sawyer
Assistant Coach : Ed Craigen
Steve has completed his FA Level 1 Coaching, First Aid Level 1 and Safeguarding Children qualifications. Ed has completed the Safeguarding and First Aid courses and hopes to complete Level 1 soon.
- October to March - THURSDAY 6pm - 7pm at Cottenham Village College, 3G pitch.
- March to October - THURSDAY 6pm - 7pm at Cottenham Recreation Ground.
This age group are also invited to and regularly join in at Cottenham Soccer School on Monday’s (During term time) from 6pm - 7pm at Cottenham Village College 3G pitch.